Name: Alison
Alias:Ali, Areah, Armiece
Email: dragonmage1080@yahoo.com
D.O.B: 10/86
Residence: U.S.A
Contribution to the Comic: Costume Designs, World layout, Script,
Likes: MMORPGs, RPGs, Gaming in general
Fave Anime: Slayers, El-Hazard, One Piece, HunterxHunter...etc
Fave Music: No favorite music, just songs I like
Fave Movies: Lord of the Rings
Name: Maria
Alias: Mari, Silvertreats
Email: silvertreats@hotmail.com
D.O.B: 17/10/85
Residence: I live in the most southerly island in the Caribbean ^-^ Trinidad ^-^
Chars Owned: Presently I'm the proud owner of Agnes and Krid, and all characters immediately relating to them, parents etc.
Contribution to the Comic: Script, Page Layout, P.R yes you contact me if you have anything to either contribute to the comic or other general stuff
Likes: Hmm I have a number of things like. You guys really wanna know huh? Well aside from Anime, I like drawing stuffers though I'm stuck on heads, yes I decapitated all of my characters ^-^ Then there's writing, I like to put my ideas down on paper though it's ironic that I still have to actually write out the script. It's still stuck in my head people. Just pray that I don't get amnesia. I love rpgs. Yes I'm an rpg whore. In addition I'm presently experimenting with photography. Okay I love debates, especially on social issues, once I can get a good argument ^-^. I do want to refresh my knowledge on Greek Mythology and I have further intensions on learning about other stories from around the world. In all I have a lot of things I like but I think it's about time we moved on to dislikes
Dislikes: I detest people who have little or no respect for others. I dislike the fact that some people could easily discriminate others because of their sexuality, race, gender, culture, traditions; the list goes on and on. Another problem I have is the fact that people disrespect my religion. Okay I understand that you may not believe or share the same understanding that I have, but seriously drawing a picture of Jesus holding a gun or doing something obscene just seriously gets to me. I have respect for you, you have respect for me. Lastly just for the sake of wrapping this up, I am as well a bit feminist minded, so I have serious issues about the stereotypical roles of men and women.
Fave Anime: Presently I'm hooked on Naruto, (excellent anime ^-^), Gundam Wing, Kenshin, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, Ranma, Trigun, Bastard, Sorcerer on the Rock, Gokudo, Lots ^^;;
Fave Music: Well I do have a liking for all types of music, though I'm not too keen on R&B, Hip Hop and Rap, presently I believe that most of the music that revolves around those genres are too degrading, though I would listen to the occasional song. I like pop, rock, alternative, techno, j-pop, classical, instrumentals. It simply depends on what songs catch my interest.
Fave Movies: Alexander was nice, King Author, LOTR, Peter Pan ^-^, Pirates of the Caribbean, Anastasia, Mulan. Lots again.
Name: Natalia
Alias:Tali, Animage, Tenkou, Angelina.
Email: animegirl2002@hotmail.com
D.O.B: 3/08/ like I'm telling you how old I am
Residence: Trinidad
Contribution to the Comic: Art are and anything drawn mostly
Likes: Anime/Manga, Drawing of course, Cheesecake. Not to chatty on what I like I'm not to keen with describing myself
Dislikes:Being badgered endlessly
Fave Anime: Sailormoon, El Hazard, Yugioh, Naruto, Ah My goddess ….too many to add to this list.
Fave Music: Anything but rap and dub
Fave Movies: The Ring, Nightmare before Christmas